As I told Dr. Greg Popcak prior to our interview, I excitedly devoured my copy of Broken Gods: Hope, Healing and the 7 Longings of the Human Heart (Image Books) the same night I received the book from the publisher. I already consider myself a fan of Dr. Popcak’s books and my husband and I have read many of the ones pertaining to marriage and parenting. This book was refreshing different, but equally impactful and thought-provoking.

COL_profile_Broken_Gods-200x302In Dr. Popcak’s own words, “Broken Gods walks readers through this process [of becoming ‘perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect’] step-by-step so they can stop running from their sins and start running toward their ultimate destiny.”

The book is as beautiful as it is practical.

“Readers will learn to love the parts of themselves they like the least and discover how to allow God to transform those broken parts into both occasions for hope and the engines of their ultimate perfection in Christ.”

Read more of my interview with Dr. Popcak here:

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